Intensive English Program

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Los Intensive English Programs de AGM son la mejor forma de aprender inglés con estancias cortas en el extranjero al combinar las clases intensivas de inglés con la vida dentro de un campus universitario o una gran ciudad de Estados Unidos. Estos cursos son la mejor elección para aquellos que quieran…

  • Mejorar su nivel de inglés como nunca antes lo habían hecho
  • Vivir una gran experiencia internacional en ciudades como New York City
  • Disfrutar de la vida en un campus universitario americano
  • Conocer gente procedente de todo el mundo y todas las culturas
¿Por qué elegir el Intensive English Program de AGM?

Con los Intensive English Programs de AGM mejorarás rápidamente tu nivel de inglés durante tu estancia en Estados Unidos. La mayoría de compañías que ofrecen cursos de idiomas trabajan con academias. Por el contrario, AGM solo trabaja con universidades americanas, por lo que la experiencia vivida, las instalaciones, el contacto con estudiantes americanos y el prestigio de la enseñanza recibida son mucho mayores.


¿Qué son los Business Programs de AGM?

Los Business Programs de AGM son ideales para perfeccionar tu nivel de inglés y dominar el vocabulario específico del ámbito profesional que más te interese. Además, conseguirás aumentar tus oportunidades laborales en el mercado internacional. Puedes elegir entre:

Certificate in Business & Finance

• Bookkeeping I

• Bookkeeping II

• Introduction to Taxation

• Effective Business Communication


Certificate in Business & Finance

  1. Bookkeeping I: This entry level course describes the concepts and principles of accounting and data accumulation techniques with an emphasis on preparation and interpretation of financial statements. In addition, this course enables students to understand how the basic accounting process, sales, purchases, and other transactions are recorded and classified into individual accounts. Areas of concentration include the accounting cycle in service and merchandising business for a sole proprietorship.
  2. Bookkeeping II: Companies today ask for financial information that enables them to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing business environment. This course gives students the tools to understand how the accounting process puts all of a company's financial data into standardized formats that can be used for decision making, analysis, and planning. Areas of concentration include current and long-term assets, current and long-term liabilities and statements of cash flow. Other topics discussed are introduction to accounting for partnership and corporations.
  3. Introduction to Taxation: This course introduces students to federal income tax as it relates to individuals and businesses. Areas of concentration include: income inclusion and exclusion and deductions as they are defined utilizing the Internal Revenue Code and related material. Special classes of taxpayers including partnerships, estates, and trusts are considered as well as accounting and procedural rules. New York State and City taxes are covered.
  4. Effective Business Communication: The course teaches how to communicate in a clear, professional manner both orally and in writing.
Certificate in Entrepreneurship

• Starting a Business

• Financing a Business

• Marketing & Advertising

• Tax Essentials for Small Business

• Introduction to International Trade

Certificate in Entrepreneurship

  1. Starting a Business: This course provides the tools needed to start and sustain a successful small business. Course will cover legal aspects of starting a business along with intellectual properties (copyright – patents – trademarks – domain name) etc. It will cover business plan development and an introduction to niche marketing and marketing research.
  2. Financing a Business: This course provides participants with essential information necessary for starting, operating and financing a small business. Topics include financial statement projections and analysis; cash flow projections; loan structuring and loan packaging; and sources of capital to start your business.

  3. Marketing & Advertising: One of the key factors in having a successful business is to know how to market and advertise your product or service. No matter how great your business is, if you don’t let people know about it, you can’t sell it! Learn how to package and price your business, target your market, and about various forms of advertising, promotion and distribution in this practical course - a must for the business owner! Learn how to utilize social media to promote your business and gain Web exposure for your enterprise.
  4. Tax Essentials for Small Business: This course reviews the rules and regulations concerning the taxation of business entities, such as individual proprietorship, partnerships and corporations. It is essential for anyone who owns/operates their own business as well as bookkeepers or accountants who are interested in learning more about business taxation.
  5. Introduction to International Trade: This comprehensive course covers the primary topics required for those seeking the Certified Global Business Professional Certification granted by NASBITE (North American Small Business International Trade Educators) such as:
  • How to identify cultural, economic, political and social influences in the international business arena.
  • Basic concepts of multinational financial management and the impact of foreign exchange on cash flow.
  • Legal, political, and economic frameworks of international markets, including the euro and euro currencies markets.
  • Key issues of international banking operations.
  • Central concepts in U.S. regulation of imports and exports
Información práctica:

Fechas de inicio de las clases:

  • La duración de los Intensive English Programs se adapta 100% a ti. En cada mes hay varias fechas de comienzo del curso y tú eres quien decide cuantas semanas o meses quieres que dure tu aventura. Puedes ver el calendario 2014/2015 AQUÍ.
  • Los Business Programs son programas especiales creados por universidades de New York City para AGM. El próximo Business Program tendrá lugar en el mes de julio.

Fechas de inicio del Intensive English Program para el curso 2014
  • Enero 21
  • Marzo 31
  • Mayo 27
  • Junio 23
  • Julio 7, 21
  • Agosto 4, 18
  • Septiembre 2, 29

Cursos adaptados a tu nivel: al llegar a la universidad se te realizará una prueba de nivel que te ubicará en el grupo que te corresponda (desde principiante hasta avanzado). Algunos estudiantes evolucionan muy rápido, por lo que es posible promocionar a un nivel superior con mayor dificultad y exigencia académica, para que tu progresión no se vea truncada.

¿A quiénes va dirigido? A personas mayores de 18 años.

Visados: solo es necesario obtener un visado de estudiante para cursos que superen los 3 meses de duración. En tal caso, nosotros te informaremos detalladamente de qué trámites deberás realizar y te facilitaremos los documentos necesarios para presentar la solicitud.

Seguros: AGM se encarga de contratar un seguro médico para ti. Trabajamos con International Student Organization (ISOA), líder mundial en seguros médicos para estudiantes internacionales en Estados Unidos.

¿Cómo inscribirme?
  1. Completa el formulario de inscripción.
  2. Una vez recibida tu inscripción, el personal de AGM se pondrá en contacto contigo para conocer tu caso, comentarte todos los detalles del programa y resolver todas las dudas que puedas tener acerca del curso.

Formulario de inscripción:

Nombre y apellidos:




¿En qué servicio estás interesado?

Intensive English Program
Business Program